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The Complete Myers-Briggs: Discovering What's Normal for You
Hello and Welcome!
Welcome! (21:20)
A Brief History (10:41)
MBTI Breakdown Disclaimer
The Letters
Figuring Out Your Type
Defining Reality
Introversion and Extroversion (13:27)
The Extrovert Experience
The Introvert Advantage
The Myth of the Ambivert
Soaking it All In
Intuition vs. Sensing: Defining Your Learning Style (12:18)
What is Sensing?
What is Intuition?
How can Sensors and Intuitives better understand each other?
Making Better Choices
Thinking vs. Feeling: Your Decision Making Process (15:12)
Thinking Types
Thinking and Insensitivity
Why the World Needs Introverted Thinking...
Feeling Types Overview
How Thinkers and Feelers Can Connect...
How You Show Up...
Judging vs. Perceiving: How You Show Up (17:48)
Judging, Not Judgemental
Are Perceivers lazy?
J or P: Which is Better?
Life Application
Typing as a Tool: Career, Relationships and Parenting (19:41)
Considerations when Typing | Maturity, Upbringing, Culture
Career Considerations
Relationships and Connections
Understanding Others
Parenting, Ego and Typing Children
Next Steps
Using MBTI to Identify Mental Health Triggers
Intro to Cognitive Functions
Decision Making
Typing as a Tool: Career, Relationships and Parenting
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